A lover of the sea

[Translate to UK - englisch:] Male patient at the sea

“The NephroCare team always helps me to organise my holidays. I cannot thank them enough for their work. In 2007 when I went to Corfu with my wife for our honeymoon, the only way for me was to receive two treatments at Kerkyra and two on the ’mainland’, in Filates” 

Dr György Mendege knows no obstacle that could tear him apart from a seaside holiday. He has travelled the coast of the Adriatic sea, and almost all over Greece. Being connected to a kidney machine at the Fresenius dialysis centre in Vác, Dr Mendege, a lawyer, talks enthusiastically about his journeys and daily life:

"I have always loved to travel, and I am attracted to water in some inexplicable ways. Ever since I was young, I had longed to see the sea. By the kindness of my mother, I was able to visit Opatija in 1975 where I glimpsed the Adriatic Sea for the first time in my life. When it turned out that I needed dialysis, it was not the disease that made me psychically unwell but the thought of losing the sea.

I inherited polycystic kidney disease from my poor father who died very young. In 1982, I was diagnosed with high blood pressure, but I could avoid dialysis with lots of medication practically until 2005. During this long period of time, my kidney function was deteriorating, so I started dialysis treatments in March 2005. In only a year, I felt incomparably better. I had difficulty climbing one flight of stairs before, but last time I walked up two hundred steps without difficulty at the Meteora.”

Future plans

"Actually, I nurture plenty of plans; in fact, I will retire soon, I am closing the pending legal matters, and will then have more time for my family. I have three daughters and a granddaughter. I expect that by the time I get home today, a puppy will have been added to our family. No doubt I will be quite busy!"